Why Foot and Ankle Health Matters

Why Foot and Ankle Health Matters

Why Foot and Ankle Health Matters

What are your feet telling you? It may feel odd to think about, but our feet can tell us a lot about our overall health—if we listen. Our feet are often overlooked until they are achy or swollen. When pain is felt and movement is difficult, we start to pay attention to the walking and standing duo that moves us with each step. The vital roles of our feet and ankles are so automatic that little thought is given to the movement they allow.

The Foundation of Movement

The  26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the feet and ankles move harmoniously while balancing our entire body weight and supporting our posture. This complex series of bones and joints gives our bodies the agility to handle rugged activities such as fast-paced sports and the more gentle task of simply strolling over uneven walkways on a nature hike. 

Our feet and ankles meet our needs so seamlessly that until something like a sprain or inflammation (swelling) forces us to take notice, we simply keep moving. Aside from giving ankle socks their form, feet and ankles may give clues about other conditions, such as underlying stress fractures and tendonitis. 

In addition to telling you that your shoes may need more arch support, some things you may feel when your feet are trying to “tell” you something include experiencing some of the following:

  • Foot pain: Foot pain that is aggravated with walking. A subtle toe or foot fracture can cause this. If the pain or swelling persists for 2 -3 days, seeing an orthopedic surgeon as soon as possible can give you much-needed answers. 
  • Cold feet and toes: Cold feet can be an indication of diabetes or circulatory problems. 
  • Foot or heel pain in the morning: Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of morning heel pain and stabbing pain in the bottom of your foot. 
  • Numbness or tingling in the feet: Nerve damage from a back injury can be the cause of this. 


Preventing Foot and Ankle Pain

The adage “prevention is better than cure” is still supreme. However, life happens, and when we take care of our feet, we can prevent pain and issues that can impact our daily activities and quality of life. 

  1. Proper rest and recovery time after activity are great ways to avoid stressing and overusing the muscles in our feet. 
  2. Be honest with yourself about how you feel. Do not play through pain. Pain is an indication to take a quick self-evaluation and opportunity to manage symptoms. 
  3. If you experience persistent foot or walking issues, neglecting the symptoms can cause further damage, such as overuse injuries.

If you experience symptoms of foot and ankle discomfort that does not improve, you should consult a doctor. If you live in the Central Texas area, call CTX Foot and Ankle Center at 254-313-9559 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Paul Bednarz and start your journey to get relief and answers today. 

diagram of foot bones