Foot Care Basics: Protecting Your Soles and Pads

Foot Care Basics: Protecting Your Sole and Pads

Healthy feet are happy feet. Feet are so much more than the toes, pads, and soles we walk on. Keeping your feet cushioning healthy is easy and has benefits that impact more than just your gait. 

What are Soles and Pads?

When we are in motion, like running or walking the soles, the bottoms of our feet do more than solely bear the brunt of each step. They also keep our balance and maintain steady contact with the ground. The many bones and tendons of the foot spring into action to get us where we need to go, and the sole makes that seem effortless. 

The pads of your feet are located at the points of the greatest pressure of the sole. You can feel your foot pads under the ball of your foot, the part of the foot just behind the toes, and on the heel. They are thick layers of connective and fatty tissue that can make movement virtually painless. These pads also protect the delicate tissue and bones of the foot while cushioning each step by absorbing the shock of the impact and keeping our body weight evenly distributed.

Sore Pads

Due to things like genetics, high-heeled shoes, or ill-fitting shoes and activities that put additional stress on the ball of the foot, like running or jumping, the pads can become inflamed (swollen) and painful. This condition, commonly referred to as metatarsalgia, can cause foot pain that lingers after activities and makes everyday activities difficult or impossible. The constant pain can discourage you from doing activities you enjoy and cause a lifestyle that is associated with other health risks such as weight gain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and, over time, even depression and anxiety.

Happily, there is good news. Metatarsalgia can often be relieved with conservative measures. Using an over-the-counter foot pad that adds some cushioning can help relieve pain. Additionally, taking a break from activities that cause pain and getting a good pair of shoes that support your feet are all you need to feel better and keep your feet healthy, happy, and pain-free.

If the Pain Persists

Since your feet are the main vehicle of movement, foot health cannot be understated. Surprisingly, according to the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), foot care is important, falling slightly above regular exercise and significantly below eye, heart, and dental care. When foot pain persists, getting the right professional to help keep your feet in great health is a priority.

If you experience things like:

  • Nagging, sharp, aching, or burning pain in the ball of your foot 
  • Pain that worsens when you stand, run, or flex your feet or walk — especially barefoot on a hard surface
  • Shooting pain, numbness, or tingling in your toes

It’s time to see a professional. Experiencing persistent foot pain or inflammation? Consult with an orthopaedist. If you live in Central Texas, give CTX Foot and Ankle Center a call at 254-313-9559 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bednarz and start your journey to happy, healthy feet today.
